Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas wedding-ness 3: The photographer

The morning after our one night out with friends in London, a very hungover, slightly nauseous, grumpy T and I met someone who I’m hoping very much will be our photographer. I have been photographer stalking by internet for the last few months, and had finally bullied T into looking the week before we went home. She was the only one of our shortlisted top-3 who could meet us on the one day we had free in London. And O my goodness she was lovely. So down-to-earth. Beautiful photos. Lovely person. Getting married herself and almost perfectly matched with us in how excited and incredulous we are about the whole thing. And she takes picture like this:

Beautiful. Amazing. I want to be a wedding photographer when I grow up. And I want my Mum to look like the Mum in the pink hat.

But then we started talking about cost...

She is not cheap. We don't have a budget... we just talk about if things are a 'sensible price'. This means that it's not three times the price it is worth due to the addition of the word 'wedding'. So I can't say that she's over our budget. And is she 'sensibly' priced? If we can look as beautiful in her photos as the weddings she showed us, then I think she might be. (I think that makes me an awful shallow person, but I'm not sure I really care....)

1 comment:

M said...

Julie Kim is wonderful! I wish we could use her for our UK do. But for just photograhing a blessing and party... it's more than a bit out of our budget! Great choice if you do go for her though!